
Rifka Pasternak

With the Jodenregister document I could find that Sura was born in Moisei.

In the littel notebook the the name Refka Pasternak appears;

So I searched for a Refka/Rifka Pasternak in the Dossin Museum online archive and found a match and a picture ;

Give Them a Face portrait collection 
Rifka Paszternak 

According to the transport list I got earlier in the red binder #link , Rifka was born in December 1889 in... Moisei. I am in strong belief that Rifka is a 3 year older sister to Sura. There is also a physical resemblance, no ?
Give Them a Face portrait collection
Sura Paszternak

Speculation ;
Going back to the notebook, if we look on the right of Rifka's name ;

we can see "moetsi" with the name of a street "Boergeroutse" which most probably refers to Borgerhoutstraat which is very close to the Jewish neighborhood near the central station.
If "moetsi" would be phonetically close to Schmutz, and we write Refka as Ryfka, then I think it is worth also to investigate on

  Ryfka was deported with transport XX from Dossin.
 Note that Ryfka has no 'Z' in her last name.

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