
Coal deliveries in 1942

In this post I made some speculations about gas consumption of Eisik and Sura's family. Looking at the more or less constant gas consumption I deducted that coal was being used for heating only.

I was right.

I found this document which lists coal (Anthracite) deliveries from december 1941 till July 1942.The provider is Jean Meeus, Korte Klarenstraat 15 in Antwerpen. This silly coal delivery control card is a testimony of how everything ended for this family in August 1942.

Interesting piece of information is that it specifies that the family is made up of (vijf) five people; Eisic, his wife Sura and three children; Jozef, Sinna and Regina. Their other son, Avram (my grand-father), at that time lived separate. To be verified is whether he was living in n°101 of the same street (Lange Kievitstraat) which is the adress Jozef used in his letter from Dossin Kazern.

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