By going through my pictures again (the real ones, not the scans) my eyes accidently fell on the back side of this picture and this is what it showed : a name, a place and a date !
Rozenfeld Herman
Làprùs (?)
Fotoatelier KABAT - Sighet
Emleg (?)
So what does this backside reveal ?
I take for granted that the name is that one of the boy on the picture and the date is the date the picture was taken. I allso assume that 930 is a "1930" of which the 1 has either not been written or has dissapeared over time.
Some research on the internet on "Emlèg" or "Laprùs" did not reveal anything.
I guess the combination of this first and last name will not make it easy to trace back to this young man or his descendants.
I guess there is some relation between Herman and Eisik or Sura, otherwise the picture would not be amidst all this family documents. Note that in 1930 both Eisik and Sura and their children were all living in Antwerpen, the question remains (if the above assumptions are right) how a picture taken in Romania in 1930 ended up in Antwerp in 1942. These links could be ;
- family in law
- neighbours in Antwerp
- relationship from Romania time
- ...
If anyone recognizes himself/herself as direct or indirect descendant of Herman Rozenfeld, I will gladly hand over this picture.
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